Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Theatrically Yours...

“To break through language in order to touch life is to create or recreate the theatre.”
-Antonin Artaud

Touching life is the core intention of our campaign - to reach out to people and awaken their consciousness - and what better way to do so than through the medium of street theatre?

We aim to enact the current indifference so widespread in our society and provoke the need for a reversal of the situation.

We wish to capture our audience’s attention and dramatize the situation so that a permanent impression is left. Our objective is to mobilize them to act through our enactment.

Through short skits of 5-10 minutes in duration ( dialogue will be a mix of English and Tamil) our skit will strike at the core message -INDIFFERENCE. Indifference with respect to the following topics
  • Saving lives
  • Crimes that happen in front of us
  • Public smoking
  • Our environment
  • Inequality
So follow the loud drum rolls and head towards the gathering crowd coz that’s going to be us!


Tony said...
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Tony said...

Better purchase a domain & hosting if you need better reach...however you work hard sub-domain will have only its value and impact :-)